Antonia Landi

Archive for January, 2013|Monthly archive page

From print to poetry

In Creative Writing on January 16, 2013 at 11:13 pm

As some of you might know I have spent the last four years studying English Literature & Journalism. While we were always encouraged to maintain an online presence for our journalistic work, this was rarely the case in our creative writing classes. I used to put my essays online for other people to read, merely because they would usually start interesting debates about literature, but that ended when a first year student plagarised one of my essays and I was kindly asked to remove all of them.

Looking back at this blog I realise how long it has been since I have posted anything, which is a shame. Even though it might look like I haven’t written anything in a while, the opposite is actually the case. I am very near to completing my time at university, and for the last little while my focus has been on my studies. So much so that I never even thought to let you know of my other little project.

A little while ago I decided to put some of the creative work I have done over the years online – simply for sentimental value. After all, creating anything is hard work, and it is difficult not to want to show off your work once it has reached completion.

So, if you feel like your life lacks some mediocre poetry about cats and cities, loss and life, by any means feel free to drop by

Yours truly,
